Several regions of the nation have been facing chronic shortage of water for years. At some places, the situation has assumed critical proportions. To address this grim reality, we have implemented Project Boond, which was conceived and implemented to harvest rainwater and replenish depleted groundwater in some of the affected regions. Collaborating with specialist agencies.

Launched almost two decades ago, Water conservation project continues to bring much-needed relief by addressing the situation through locally appropriate pre-emptive solutions.


Bringing back hope to the lives of many by implementing a series of water conservation interventions in several water-deficient regions. Building check dams provides an effective way of harvesting rainwater. The larger measure is supplemented by roof-water harvesting. This accumulated mass ensures perennial availability of water, while also improving groundwater levels significantly. Increasing the number of months that water is available for livelihood results in better income for farmers.


The recharged tanks and farm ponds also brought increased revenue through fishery and organic farming. The water collected also serves as a reserve for irrigating a second crop. Overall through this project, BPCL was able to create a significant difference in the lives of beneficiaries with positive impacts on livelihood generation, groundwater recharge, soil erosion control and food security.

Community contribution increases the commitment from the community, motivates them, thus developing a long-term sustenance for the projects. Several committees such as Village Water Committees, Women’s Self-Help Group, Farmers’ group and Children Water Clubs were also formed to educate and empower participants. This made it an organized effort, where all members of the community are focused and work towards a particular goal. We also held sessions for capacity building of these community groups.